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Mother’s Day & Mental Health Awareness Month – How to Love

Updated: May 25, 2022

The month of May is all about bringing new life to this world. In celebrating Mother’s Day we celebrate all life-bearers. So, how does mental health fit into this wonderful time of year when we see life of all kinds sprouting, growing, and blossoming around us? The focus on mental health should be how we mother ourselves (self-care or self-love) because as we nurture ourselves we open our creative center to birth amazing new ideas to conceptualize and use to create amazing change in ourselves and the world!

Spiritually speaking, Mother’s Day is not only a celebration of our earthly mother through which we were gifted life. But, this day is also an opportunity to celebrate and consciously reconnect with feminine energies of the Divine Mother, Gaia Mother Earth, Mother Moon, other spiritual mothers, and the influence of all nurturing and powerful women in society.

We can all connect with this feminine energy by inviting in love an honoring traits such as these within us:

grayscale photography of woman and baby

Photo by Nicolas Postiglioni on

  1. Nurturing

  2. Compassion

  3. Empathy

  4. Gentleness

  5. Creativity

  6. Intuitive

  7. Power

  8. Truth

  9. Grace

  10. Forgiveness

Despite stigmas in the world that do not honor all these qualities in all people, they do exists in every human being. It is healing when you are in balance with both your feminine and masculine energy.

Mother’s Day Fun Fact

Julia Ward Howe (1819 – 1910) answered to no one except for herself and God. She was instrumental in creating the concept of what we currently call Mother’s Day. Surviving the horrors of the Civil War helped shape her vision of “Mother’s Peace Day.” She dreamed of a group of multi-cultural women from all walks of life to meet and discuss how to achieve world peace, keeping in mind their motherly duties of protecting their children.

What should you do on Mother’s Day?

Mother's Day

I LOVE & MISS YOU So Very Much

Frist, celebrate all moms (especially the amazing step-moms out there) including the ones no longer here and those who will bring new life in the future. Giving birth doesn’t make you a mom; the special way you care, support, and love is what makes all moms amazing. Adore your mom in some special way. Don’t commercialize it. Rather make it personal and watch her smile. Anything that comes from the heart is perfect for this day.

Then, while admiring the qualities you see in your mom, reflect on how she has influenced those qualities in you. Reconnect and embrace your loving qualities to help balance your personal energy. You can accelerate this connection by accessing lunar energy. Mother Moon is always with us—guiding us—if we allow it. Societal rules cannot contain feminine energy. It flows freely and it is expressive. Access this energy through meditation, creative outlets, or by simply spending time in nature.

Finally, honor all women who have paved the road we walk on today, and those who still lead us with grace and compassion.

Mental Health Awareness

In the US, the entire month of May is about raising awareness about the importance of mental health and its impact on our wellbeing. In the UK, citizens bring awareness through Mental Health Awareness Week with this year’s theme focused on loneliness and establishing meaningful connections in life.

The best connection you can create is within yourself in a loving and nurturing way. Mothering yourself is more of an attitude through which you address your needs. Acknowledge your inner child and the needs that your parents did not meet when you were younger. You can meet them now through all the mothering qualities listed above. Don’t judge yourself, avoid people who dim your spark, and choose yourself first. I encourage you now to give yourself permission, be your own mother, by saying, “Yes, you may take care of yourself.”

3 ways to properly parent yourself

Mental Health

  1. Make time to stop and listen to yourself. You deserve your own attention as much as anyone else you care about in your life.

  2. Discover what you need and value by engaging in the self-care you need, resisting conformity.

  3. Release the idea of joy coming from anything outside of yourself. In shifting your perspective of self by mothering yourself, your energy will shift and you can more easily choose happiness for yourself.

A life line is always available

You are not alone, you are important, and you matter. Lovingly gift yourself compassion and empathy. There are people who will give you their hand and guide you out of your darkness—if you allow it.

US – National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (800) 273-TALK (8255)

UK – Samaritans 116 123

This Mother’s Day, this month, focus on your feminine energy and use it to dote on your mom (or her memory), admire the earth, and, most of all, show yourself love.


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